Thursday, April 16, 2009

I'm a bad blogger, I know. Soooo much has been going on! I had my bachelorette party 2 weekends ago in New Orleans and had the BEST time! It was so great to get to see Rebecca, Robin, and Natalie! And awesome that Megan and Kat drove down with me! It really was the best weekend ever!

When we got back, though... I got sick. By Thursday, my voice was gone and it didn't come back until yesterday (Wednesday... almost a week later). I'm sure Ian loved that :-)

The wedding is a little over 3 weeks away.... YIKES! So much to do....but I'm so excited.

I'll try to update more soon, I swear. I'm on a stupid computer all day at work, so by the time I get home the LAST thing I want to do is get on the computer. And I really should be writing thank you notes. They NEVER end! But the presents make it worth it :-)